Monday, October 24, 2011

October 24: What I Have Accomplished

 This is the child's lap quilt top that I made for my FIL.  I do not think the colors are very accurate because they made me think of Iowa State colors.  I made several color variations and then emailed my daughter to get her opinion.  We were both of the same mind.  Did not dawn on me until later that I had inadvertently selected her school colors.  She said it was not her deciding factor.

Once I finished the animal quilt I spent a couple of hours cleaning up my cutting table and making a few small wall hangings from embroidered blocks that did not make it into other quilts.  Then I got out the t-shirt quilt fabrics and took this teaser photo.  The stripe will be the binding and will tie all the t-shirt colors together.  I then spent a chunk of my afternoon working on the quilt.  More about this quilt's progress will be shared the next few Fridays.

We did get our walk in.  Just as we finished it started to sprinkle.  I was hoping to do the weights with Kevin, but he has a very sore shoulder and upper arm due to doing so much planing on his table top. Guess i will have to do the weights by myself while I am waiting for Zoe's call.  Kevin did say that he will bowl with me after we g-chat with the birthday girl, Zoe.  (She collected 99 lbs of food from her birthday party and delivered it to their local food bank today.)

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