Kevin and I went to walk of Saturday, but the skies opened up and we did not get the walk in. I was already feeling chilled and did not think getting wet (no umbrella or raincoat) would be a good choice. Then we sat down to dinner and this rainbow appeared. Kevin snapped it through the screen. I looked upon it as a promise of many more wonderful days to come.
However, I think I am having a minor frustration at this moment. I hate to say this, but I think I am showing signs of of carpal tunnel syndrome or a pinched nerve. I am going to give my right hand some time to rest, but that also means I am going to cut back on chatty posts. If things don't settle down in a couple of days, I will make my first visit to my new doctor. Until then I will skip binding and just do machine embroidery and piecing. (After doing all that binding the last few weeks, I would have to say that I have been doing a lot of repetitive motion work, right?)
Why am I thinking carpal tunnel? Well, about 20 years ago I had it so bad that I had to have surgery and if memory serves me correctly, this is how it felt but more painful still. I am just going to try a little resting of my hand along with Alieve to see if I can get it to back off. It is not dibilitating but it is very annoying. Can't even make a decent fist! Fortunately, I am very left handed.
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