Some of you have been asking if I was ever going to share photos of this place. It has begun to grow on us. There might be some real bonding based on the close contact we have had with the walls, windows, heating units, and floors as we scrubbed and scrubbed. lol As shocking as it may seem, I have also cleaned each and every window and that is unheard of - My standard line is that I don't do windows, I just move. Yesterday we actually felt that we were ready to replace the initial vacuum filters and let the old tenants filth and grime rest in peace. Anyway, except for painting the kitchen, we feel like this place is cozy enough for our short year in Vermont. The tour begins now.
This is where we live. It is an old converted farmhouse. |
We live upstairs. Notice that we have added
a welcome flag to our pot of mums. |
As you enter the apartment, you have a choice
of laundry or the 16 steps. Our landlord
was very quick to change the stair and hall
carpets, and it sure did brighten up the place. |
Once you reach the top of the stairs you are
looking directly into the bathroom or into the
hall. Note that I have my cutting table set up
here. It works. |
If you go one direction you are in the living room. Kevin and
I decided to bring minimal furniture, so these chairs are going
to get quite a work out. We each have a basket next to our
chairs. Mine is messier than Kevin's but not always. |
We did bring a TV, but we use it for Wii and Netflixs.
Decided to skip cable at least for the moment. Once the
long cold winter sets in, we may rethink things, but we do
have lots of books on the Nook, hand sewing for me, and
homework (like sketching) for Kevin. The photo frame
holds many precious photos of grandkids, kids, family
and friends. We knew we would miss you. |
If we have company, we have one more comfy chair. At
the moment, it is generally the backdrop for Kevin's school
bag and drawings. If you know us, I am guessing that you
are amazed at the small number of books on the shelves.
The other books are in storage. We have a Nook with us. |
This is not a big bathroom, but it is MUCH LARGER than
the one we had in married student housing 35+ years ago. |
We decided to go minimal in the kitchen, as well. We packed
4 full place settings of dishes and a few pots and pans. There
are actually quite a few empty cupboards. Have not missed
any of my other dishes, yet. |
The table and chairs are basically fancy card table
and folding chairs. We have 2 other chairs in use
in the studio and in the bedroom. Walls need to be
painted, but that won't happen until next week. |
When I am laying in bed, I can reach the door
handle and light switch. School provided the
bed, and it is a comfortable one, so... |
We did bring the dresser. The closet is small,
but we only brought clothes that we knew we
would wear. Even our coats fit in with room
to spare. |
If you have not figured it out yet, the bedroom
is very narrow and small. I could not avoid
the bed being in all the photos. Drapes are not
fancy, but they are room-darkening and that
is important since the windows face east. |
I have already shared some photos of the studio
but thought I would let you see my window
treatments. Soon I will also have my HQ up
and running and I will share a few more photos.
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