I do think I was a bit surprised that it is already Jan. 3, but then Kevin has been on vacation and that means I have been, too. Today we are sort of back to normal, if we have one! Kevin is up at school for the day doing some odd jobs with Blake and working on a blanket/quilt chest for me. I am trying to catch up on the blog, do some sewing, and finish my ritual studio cleaning. Figure that I am giving myself the week to make the studio right, but being the "dinker's daughter" it could easily take much longer. I have to touch everything and that leads to considering how I might use it or what I should do to make it more special, or ....or ...or (You get the idea.)

On New Year's Eve we purchased some PVC joints, 2 l-brackets, and a few small pine boards. Then Kevin did his magic and created a tool holder for my carving bench. We also purchased a small wet/dry vacuum to attach to the table and help with the clean up. My Dremel and our safety glasses are also hanging on the pole. After he finished, I tried to get a few good shots before the bench became a finishing table for our next project. (With so much light coming in the window it was a challenge.)
I did the tops, or at least several coats. |
Kevin was in charge of the bases. |
New Year's Day was set aside for finishing the Shaker hall tables that we made during a 4-day workshop at the Vermont Woodworking School in November. It is not as if we have had a huge schedule, but we did do some traveling and playing during the past few weeks, so we had to buckle down and commit to finishing at least one project during school vacation. We used Vermont Natural Coatings Poly Whey to finish the tables. It has little or no smell and could be used without ventilating the apartment. It was the first time we used the product and found that it had pros and cons. It is water based, little smell, and easy clean-up, but we felt that we were not as well versed in how to use it. Lots of sanding was involved to get the finish the way we wanted, but that could easily have been the users. I am going to use it on some of my wood carvings, but I think Kevin is going to have to learn more before he uses it on his furniture again. That being said, the finish feels so smooth and luscious.
My table with the tap hole maple top |
The clear finish really drew out the
richness of the top. |
Kevin's table is already back in use displaying a few items
made at school and one of my new candle mats. |
Kevin's maple top is gorgeous! |

The metal roof created a new phenomenon for us. As the rain helped to melt the snow on the roof it came down in sections, divided by the runners on the roof. Then with the help of the wind, the sections curled and somehow the icicle attached themselves to the side of the house. Love oddities!
Somehow, Kevin smacked his 4th toe on the bed frame wheel, so we have not been walking our path. The toe is a glorious purple,as well as, rather tender. Hopefully it will be back to normal soon so we can continue or daily snow walks. The snow melted with all the rain, but we already have more on the ground this morning.
Yesterday, mainly because Kevin was out of commission for much but sitting, reading, and watching a movie, I finally took the time to sort through all the magazine pages I had taken from my quilting magazines and online articles I had printed out about quilting. It was a great way to reflect on what i had done, what I want to do, and get more organized, as well. I was also trying to figure out the best plan for using all of my grandaughter Anna's fabric choices in a two sided quilt. I came up with a plan and even made a few blocks. However, I am going to have to by 2 yards of fabric to complete the side that will be done using the Acadia pattern. Therefore, I will do the other side first and pick up the other fabric when we go grocery shopping. Joann's is next door. (Another goal for 2012 is to cut down on the errands and spend as little time as possible oggling fabric. I am going to use up stash to the best of my ability!!!!!)
Enjoy your day. I am off to take care of the laundry and then to the studio. I know I am going to have a delighfully fabric filled day!
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