Friday, January 20, 2012

January 20: All About Friends

Yesterday really was all about friends.  I got up early and did a quick cleaning, wrote my blog post, and started cooking.  While I was making potato soup and a wrapped brie appetizer, my friend Sandi came over and we visited.  Usually we sit and sort of stitch while we talk away for a few hours, but this time we visited in the kitchen while I minded the pots and pans.  When she left, I sent a container of the potato soup for her supper. 
The soup recipe was my version of the one I got from Beth, a vegetarian friend, in Minnesota.  I am all about crockpot friendly meals, so I adapted what she had to offer and let the soup simmer in the pot all day.  The apartment smelled so warm and inviting.  Add the smell of beer batter biscuits and Kevin was in heaven.
Amanda and Steve showed up for dinner and games.  We had wine and the wrapped brie and visited for a short time first.  We also gave them time to fly our little helicopters.  That was a hoot!  Dinner was very tasty if I do say so myself.  The recipe is rich and filling, but definitely not low calorie.  YUMMY.  Amanda played to Kevin's sweet tooth and brought chocolate snack cakes.  Kevin added some Cherry Garcia to the mix and they were all humming to the chocolate monster tunes.  Afterwards we played games on the Wii.  I am sure the downstairs neighbors wondered about all the laughter.  I tease about always wanting to be the winner, but last night it was way more fun to watch newbies experience success.  Definitely a night to be repeated.

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