Saturday, April 14, 2012

April 14: Feeling SOOOOOOOOOOOOO Much Better

I am still not 100% but I am feeling so much better.  I actually think i slept through the night!

Since I finished the 25-patch top yesterday, this morning I focused on this braided one.  I am 2/3 done with the braids and then have  border to add.  I am still aiming to finis it by the end of the day tomorrow, but Monday may be acceptable to me after the week I have had.

I do like this quilt top even though it is made with my version of "ugly fabric". The braids will probably be rearranged a bit, but everything is very scrppy and random, already.   The 25-patch top made with most of the same fabrics is probably more to my liking because the pieces are so much smaller and not as in my face, but this will be a very nice lap quilt for someone, yet to be named.   I am certain I will use the pattern again. 

This afternoon we are going to go for a walk in downtown Burlington.  The sun is shining and I am looking forward to just walking and talking with my husband.  The camera will be going along but no pictures promised.  Even so, spring is coming to Vermont, so there have well be something to share.


Nancy A. said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better, Robin! You probably have the springtime sinus issues. This 'braid' quilt is gorgeous!!!!

Anonymous said...

Am I sixty yet?
Keep feeling betteer, Robin.
Love you,