Then she took me to Williston to Sew Many Treasures which is a quilt shop that I had not discovered, yet. There were some beautiful bolts of fabric in this shop along with a very helpful shopkeeper. I intended to buy just ONE fat quarter for my growing collection of greens and tans for my Vermont adventure quilt, but we both ended up buying 5 fat quarters and I also bought a kit for making a Magic 3D Block.
Our last stop was at Yankee Pride. It is another shop I have visited several times. Along with the usual fabric suspects, it is full of Civil War and batik fabrics. We each make some fat quarter purchases, as well. The rolled ones were in the bargain bins, but they are great with the original focus fabric, so.... Not really sure how many fat quarters I now have, but we will be headed to South Dakota in exactly two weeks, so I hope I have chosen well, and have chosen enough. Time to decide on a design. It will be a challenge to design just the right quilt, but I am looking forward to it.
Just so you know, I wanted to "blame" Sandi for my purchases, but we all know that I love to shop for fabrics. Therefore, Sandi, you are off the hook.
Magic 3D Block kit, porcupine quill stylus, and one ball of Valdani thread for my needle punch. |
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