I woke up this morning and realized I really only have 1 month left in Vermont. How did that happen? We have had such a great time exploring and just enjoying this time together. Of course, we are now getting a bit antsy and ready to move to our next adventures in South Dakota, but we are still planning a few more weeks of enjoying our new friends here before we pack up the truck and trailer.

I finished a little bit more of the background on my carving and put on the finish coat. My goal was a simple cross in honor of Easter, and I am pleased with the way it turned out. Of course it shows best in certain lights, just like quilts, and I am going to have to practice some of the photography skills we discussed with Amanda. For now, here it is. At the end of the year I will put the 12 blocks together and make a "wall quilt".
For my May block I am going to carve a flower. Probably try to start it this week so that I can pack up my tools for the move and then not worry about getting unpacked right away to stay on schedule. June is going to be a ladybug.

I am working on my Craftsy BOM this morning for another hour after I post. This time it is English paper piecing. I hand pieced a Grandma Flower Garden as my first quilt, but this was not the technique I used. For this one, there is a bit of prep-work, but the hexagons look so crisp that I think it is worth it. I have chosen to do the whole block by hand. After the hexagons are all pieced together I will do a blind applique to attach them. Not a quick block, but not too stressful either. If you are interested in this BOM click on the link in the upper right hand corner and check it out.
I have scheduled a few hours this afternoon for learning the ins and outs of using Microsoft Outlook since that is what we will be using for our business adventures. The rest of the afternoon will be used to finish making my picture tutorial of a second block for my friend.
I am very aware that I am so lucky to have the time to do exactly what I want at this point in my life. I want everyone to know that I do not take this time for granted but count it as a blessing every moment of the day.
Wow. The cross looks incredible!!
I really love to read your blog. This year seems to have gone by so quickly. The cross carving looks like it is on an old wall where the top layer is crumbling. It is a real nice piece to hang on your wall.
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